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Enterprise GitHub Connection

  • I am trying to connect build master to an enterprise github account.

    The test connection is successful, but I go to add an application I get the following error.

    Could not find a part of the path 'C:\BuildMaster_WEBTMP\GitRepositories\\\ProjectName.sln'.

    When I look inside _WEBTMP, I find this folder path instead. It looks like instead. It looks like it might be doubling up on the folder path?


    *Recent download and build.

  • Hmm, that's odd -- are you using the new application wizard? What does the path on that look like?

    You may try just creating a standard application, then adding the "build .net action" after doing a "get latest" action.

  • Yes I am using the application wizard, the bad path comes up on the error page during the wizard after i select the branch. I will try the .net app next.

  • Using the Standard Application template fixed the issue when I put in the Git connection in the deployment workflow.

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