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Enabling LDAP

  • On a clean install of Proget I've completed the following

    1. Login as Admin, navigate to /administration/security/enable-ldap
    2. Head the two warnings on missing LOGON_USER header and missing privilges
    3. Connect to IIS and enable Windows Authentication, Disable Forms Authentication
    4. Restart app pool
    5. Login as Admin, navigate to /administration/security/enable-ldap
    6. Get the same error messages

    I'm unable to select anything under the Assign privileges button.

    Am I missing something in configuring LDAP?

  • This sounds like a problem with Windows Authentication on your IIS installation. If the LOGON_USER is blank, that means IIS is not passing it in.

    There are a lot of things to try to resolve this, i'd try amore general search like (LOGON_USER header missing), etc.

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