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Updating to 2.2.10, "login failed for user..."

  • I'm attempting to upgrade my ProGet installation to 2.2.10, and on the "Review settings" page (I think it's the 3rd page), the installer tells me that the SQL Server login failed for the user that is in use by the application. I'm fairly confident that the installer is reading this information from either the Web.config or app.config for the service, because I reset the password, changed those two, and restarted the service, and now the installer has a new password in the connection string which is displayed. It still doesn't work.

    I have an underscore (_) in the password, as well as some numbers, are these causing the problem? I'm skeptical, because I'd assume that the connection string is being handed to the underlying code as-is, without parsing or modification.

    What's the deal, then? Why can the service and website successfully use this connection string and the installer cannot?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 2.2.10

  • hi Mark, my guess is that the user running the installer (i.e. you) does not have the appropriate access to the database. The installer is indeed looking in the service's appSettings configuration file to figure out the connection string, so it should work.

    it's possible there's a bug, perhaps as a simple test, try changing it to a very basic connection string (with simple password), and see if it helps.

  • I'm not using Windows authentication, so user rights aren't the issue. The very first thing I did was to simplify the password, and that didn't work either. I know that the connection string works, because both the web application and the service function fine.

    I ended up doing a manual install of 2.2.10 to get me up and running (I needed the fix for NuGet 2.8).

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