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NuGet Packages Have Content and Tools Folders Stripped

  • I am currently evaluating ProGet as a replacement for an existing NuGet.Server installation. I have a package that contains content files. When I view the package that was created and then subsequently uploaded the package contains the content folder and the content files. However when I download the package from ProGet the content files are not present; it appears they have been stripped. Is this something ProGet doesn't support or am I missing something?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 2.2.10

  • ProGet does not strip out the content folder from packages.

    The only things that are removed upon downloaf are symbol and source files.

  • After further investigation and help from support I found the issue. I am using the NuGet package and publish Visual Studio extension to create my NuGet packages. This is really just some MSBuild targets and supporting files that get included in your project/solution. What it does is use NuGet.exe to push the NuGet package and the symbols package. After further investigation (and help from ProGet support) I found that my packages were getting overwritten by the symbol packages. The reason for this is that NuGet.exe strips the symbols from the name of the NuGet package when it pushes. ProGet therefore has no way of knowing this is symbols package and since I have overwrite of packages enabled for the user that pushes the symbols package overwrote the primary package. The symbol package for obvious reasons only has the dll, pdb, and source files hence it looked like the content files were stripped.

    Since I didn't want to revamp my entire build process (it was already setup for about 30 projects across a number of solutions) I came up with an alternative approach. Since ProGet retains the symbols and source in the NuGet packages (it only strips them when they are downloaded) I created a separate feed for symbols and source (I named it SymbolsSource). This ends up working out beautifully. I push NuGet packages to Default and symbols to SymbolsSource and setup Visual Studio accordingly.

    I would like to give kudos to support for helping me out on this!

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