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Deleting old database records

  • As a short term fix for the database size limitations in SQLExpress, we need to purge old records from the database.

    We have already purged the log records and BuildOutputs, BuildTestResults, EventOccurenceDetails and EventOccurences.

    However the BuildExecution_PlanActionVariableValues table is using approx 3.3GB of space and we do not need to keep this data for builds older than say 3 weeks.

    Can you please provide some SQL which will delete old records from this table and any other linked tables.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.2.6

  • NOTE : BuildMaster has Retention Policies which are strongly recommended, rather than manually purging data

    That being said, you can use the same strategy to delete from that table that you used for log entries:

    BuildMaster 4.2 and earlier:

    SELECT TOP 100 * FROM BuildExecution_PlanActionVariableValues
    --DELETE BuildExecution_PlanActionVariableValues
    WHERE BuildExecution_PlanAction_Id IN
       (SELECT BuildExecution_PlanAction_Id 
          FROM BuildExecution_PlanActions BEPA
                  INNER JOIN BuildExecutions BE
                        ON BE.Execution_Id = BEPA.Execution_Id
                     INNER JOIN Builds B
                        ON BE.Application_Id = B.Application_Id
                         AND BE.Release_Number = B.Release_Number
                         AND BE.Build_Number = B.Build_Number
                     WHERE B.BuildStatus_Name = 'Rejected')

    BuildMaster 4.3 through 4.9:

    SELECT TOP 100 * FROM BuildExecution_ActionGroupActionVariableValues
    --DELETE BuildExecution_ActionGroupActionVariableValues
    WHERE BuildExecution_ActionGroupAction_Id IN
       (SELECT BuildExecution_ActionGroupAction_Id 
          FROM BuildExecution_ActionGroupActions BEAGA
                 INNER JOIN BuildExecution_DeploymentPlans BDP
                        ON BEAGA.BuildExecution_DeploymentPlan_Id = BDP.BuildExecution_DeploymentPlan_Id
                  INNER JOIN BuildExecutions BE
                        ON BE.Execution_Id = BDP.Execution_Id
                     INNER JOIN Builds B
                        ON BE.Application_Id = B.Application_Id
                         AND BE.Release_Number = B.Release_Number
                         AND BE.Build_Number = B.Build_Number
                     WHERE B.BuildStatus_Name = 'Rejected')

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