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AppPoolIdentity Virtual Accounts in IIS 7.5+

  • We're redoing our security strategy for IIS Application Pools and connection to SQL server and wanted to look further into AppPoolIdentity Virtual Accounts in IIS 7.5 or above. I notice that in "Create IIS 7+ App Pool" Action, this option is not available in the User Identity.

    From what I've read, the SQL issues aren't significant, and you can still use integrated security, but long story short, has anyone gotten this to work?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.2.6

  • It doesn't appear to be available in the action, but I suspect this would be pretty easy to add to the WIndows extension...


    You may want to add the feature request as an issue there, or alternatively you could try adding it in (http://inedo.com/support/tutorials/cloning-and-patching-an-inedo-extension).

    FWIW, we do use app pool identities quite a bit here and find them to be quite useful. Better segregation than NETWORK SERVICE, and easier to set-up than a domain service account.

  • Issue #21 opened in Github.

    Thanks for the comments!

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