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PackageID is now case sensitive in Chocolatey install command

  • Hi, I have asked this question on SuperUser.com (BTW do you monitor the posts there too? I didn't use StackOverflow because it is not really a programming question):


    and it turned out, that ProGet behaves differently in terms of case sensitivity compared to the standard nuget server.
    Do you consider this a bug or a feature?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.0

  • I cannot reproduce this with either a connected package, or a hosted one. Regardless of what case I use to install a package it seemed to work fine. The URLs in ProGet are all case-insensitive matched, so I'm not sure what the actual problem is here.

    Is it possible a connector to chocolatey's main feed was simply down?

  • Hi Tod!

    Does "chocolatey's main feed" mean chocolatey.org? Our private ProGet server is hosted on a machine that has no Internet access at all. The package "FileLocatorLite2014" that I mention on "superuser" does not exist on chocolatey.org, only on our private server. And the package "GoogleChrome" used for tests with "Fiddler", has been downloaded from chocolatey.org and the install-script was modified, so that the installer URL in chocolateyInstall.ps1 points to an internal server.

  • Sorry, I did mean chocolatey.org, but then that is irrelevant if you're not internet connected on that server.

    However, I still cannot repro this with local packages either. Are you able to repro this with a simple example package that you could send to support@inedo.com?

  • Were you ever able to duplicate or fix the problem?

    We are using Octopus ( with Proget (2.2.13) and are having the same case sensitive problem right now.

    Octopus says it is dependet on the NuGet server being used (https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/339)

    Any information would be appreciated.

  • This was fixed in one of the versions we released this year, if you upgrade to the newest version it should work correctly. Make sure to read the Upgrade Notes for each minor version since 2.2 (i.e. 3.0 thru 3.3), and back up your ProGet database before upgrading (the installer should offer this option) as there have been significant changes to feed storage and indexing.

    You'll also want to read the KB article about Migrating Legacy Feeds.

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