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Error 500 by package upload

  • Hi
    we use proget with LDAP and every Developer can only see the project feed. But evertime some developer try to upload a package he get an Error 500.

    If we the developer had Privileges Scope (system) he can upload package

    so please check this

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.0

  • What do your privileges look like? If a user doesn't have privileges to upload or overwrite a package for a feed, then the error is expected (though it should be an HTTP 401, I'll add that as an issue).

  • Hi Tod,

    they have all this Privileges
    Environments_ViewEnvironment, Environments_ViewServer, Feeds_AddPackage, Feeds_DeletePackage, Feeds_DownloadPackage, Feeds_OverwritePackage, Feeds_PullPackage, Feeds_ViewFeed, Projects_CreateProject, Projects_CreateRelease, Projects_DeleteProject, Projects_DeleteRelease, Projects_DeployRelease, Projects_EditProject, Projects_EditRelease, Projects_ViewDeployment, Projects_ViewProject, Projects_ViewRelease

    an Scope is on one feed only but if I change the scope to all feeds (system) the error goes away

  • Are they uploading from the web application, or from the NuGet client?

  • from web application

  • Thank you for the report - I have confirmed this particular page is validating the privilege at the system level instead of the feed level, we'll have it fixed in the next maintenance release.

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