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API not reading XML properly

  • Trying to create/update releases using SQL and it will not accept the Deployables XML code.

    EXEC dbo.Releases_CreateOrUpdateRelease 29, '13.2.1', 30, '', 'test', '', '<ReleaseDeployables><ReleaseDeployables Deployable_Id="112" InclusionType_Code="I" /></ReleaseDeployables>'

    If I manually change the Deployables, it ends up removing them.

    Is there an obvious part missing? I did try to add <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> to the front of the string, but then I get an error "line 1, character 39, unable to switch the encoding"


    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.2.7

  • The XML you have: <ReleaseDeployables><ReleaseDeployables> should be <ReleaseDeployables><ReleaseDeployable> (notice the missing s on the inner element).

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