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"Add Package" button visible when not logged in

  • Our ProGet instance is configured to require authentication to add packages to a feed. Anyone can navigate to the ProGet web interface without credentials. This allows anyone to download packages, but only permissioned users to upload them.

    Strangely, though, the "Add Package" button appears at all times, even to anonymous users. This is confusing, because there's very little on the web page to indicate that you're not logged in. It is very easy for someone to mistakenly click "Add Package" without being logged in. The modal dialog still appears and one can select a package to upload. Attempting to upload the package obviously fails, but the 500 error page doesn't explain why. Unless the user has made this mistake before, she is not likely to make the realization that she was logged out and that is why the upload failed.

    Is there some way to configure ProGet to hide the web controls that require credentials until the user has logged in?


    Image Text

    Image Text

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.2

  • We may do this, but also we may change it to redirect to a modal page where the user can log in, and then get redirected to the Add Package page.

  • Either sounds good to me. Do you have a roadmap for upcoming feature releases?


  • Should be a few days away!

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