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Teamcity nuget connector

  • I have been playing with the nuget features of ProGet this afternoon and have come across a few problems. Here is my setup:

    I am currently hosting a nuget feed on my Teamcity server and wanted to connect it to proget so I added it as a connector to the default feed. Unfortunately, none of my packages are visible from the visual studio package manager. It is as if the feed was empty. However when I list the packages from the Package Manager Console, I am able to see the packages as long as I do not apply a filter to that list.

    Is this the expected behavior or am I doing something wrong?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.5

  • TeamCity uses NuGet API v1... which was already deprecated when we build ProGet. So, in this case, you will need to push packages to PRoGet from TeamCity if you want to integrate.

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