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Feed caching

  • Hi guy,

    Feed Caching
    When a feed is configured to cache packages from its connectors, then any time a remote package is requested from ProGet, it will automatically be stored as a local package.

    if caching is active an the stored the files local in the feed why we get an error 404 if the remote feed in the connector is down?

    Can you change proget that he looks first in the _cache folder or save the in the feed folder not in the _cache folder.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.2.0

  • Feed caching simply stores a copy of the package itself on the ProGet server. This is primarily to improve performance for slow internet connections. The metadata itself is still always requested from the server.

    As long as you are using a NuGet install command (and not an update, search, etc) it should still work, as only the package itself needs to be requested.

    What action are you trying to perform?

  • we use the cache function by the officel nuget feed.
    we thought that if the nuget.org feed is unavailable he would use the cache but this is not working

  • Cached packages are used for downloads only and not metadata. If you need the metadata, you will have to pull the package to ProGet instead of just cache it. Then it will be available even if the connector is unreachable.

    Note: as of ProGet 3.3 and newer, this is no longer true. Cached packages are now used for metadata queries as well as downloads.

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