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String.Format.Js 1.9 cause troubles

  • When I look at this package trough the ProGet web interface the page display only the package title, the logo and the version number

    furthermore we experience troubles when trying to restore that package with nuget.exe
    sometimes we've got an error 500 during that operation, I'm not sure that this last point is totally reproducible because sometimes it works, but it may depends on the cache content of ours developers, I don't investigate much more on that since I saw that the web page render is broken.

    I supposed that the content of that particular package break something in the server.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.3.5

  • We've investigated this package, and it looks like the issue is caused by a nonstandard version and the way NuGet.org handles it. The package version is 1.09. Leading zeros are technically allowed for the semantic versioning scheme that NuGet uses, but can lead to some unusual behavior both for NuGet.org and ProGet.

    Basically, when we query NuGet.org for the specific version it reports, we are first normalizing the version number to 1.9 (removing the leading zero). We do this normalization to prevent other problems with queries that we had before.

    If you change the version in the URL for your browser to 1.09, it should take you to the package page, and if you then pull it to your local feed, it should work as expected both from the web and using the NuGet client. I tested and ProGet does return the package whether clients query for 1.9 or 1.09 as long as it is local/cached.

    We'll look into seeing what we can do to deal with situations like this better, but hopefully this workaround will be sufficient for now.

  • OK, I've upgraded the feeds to the ProGet 3.3 format (there was still in legacy format), and I have been able to successfully apply your workaround proposition.

    It's not ideal but it's working.

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