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Cant see Prerelease in visual studio

  • I am having some problem with proget. Everything seems to work in the web interface but when I am trying to uses nuget in Visual studio I can only see the stable release of my packages. When i switch to Include Prerelease i get an error saying:
    "Could not connect to the feed specified at '' Please verify that the package source (located in the Package Manager Settings) is valid and ensure you network connectivity. "

    And when iam tying to install from command line the package don't downloads:

    C:\Users\davrex>nuget install Test.Data -Version 1.56-unstable -Source
    Installing 'clrzmq 3.0.0-rc1'.
    Successfully installed 'clrzmq 3.0.0-rc1'.

    clrzmq is a dependency. But where is my package Test.Data?

    What can be the problem?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.3.7

  • So far we can't reproduce either of those issues. Could you provide us with either a fiddler trace or send a copy of the Test.Data package to us at support at inedo.com?

  • After some more testing a have get it to work using the "package manager console" I did forget the -inkprerealse flag but i cant still get the "Manage Nuget Packages" to show prerealse pakages only the stabelt.

    Where can i find the fiddler trace?

  • I did solve my problem with installing and reinstalling proget. Now is everything working.

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