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ProGet/VS 2013 Problems on Windows Server 2012 R2

  • We've been running ProGet (v3.3.6) on Windows 2008 R2 and hosted in IIS 7.5 without any problems. Recently I migrated to a Windows 2012 R2 server and am having problems when executing a "nuget.exe restore" command within a Visual Studio solution. When Nuget tries to restore a package it calls Proget with a HTTP 'get' request something like:


    The XML response should include a <feed> with a single <entry> in it. However, it returns an <entry> for every package/version in the feed. Its as though the 'filter' criteria (Id & Version) are being ignored. I've verified this using Fiddler and see that for every package that nuget tries to restore, the Id and Version are ignored and I get the same response as if the request was for:


    When I installed ProGet on Windows on the Windows 2012 server:

    • Ran the ProGet Installer
    • Chose the free edition
    • Pointed to the existing database (used by the installation on the Win 2008 server)
    • Used the default installation path
    • Used the IIS hosting option
    • Changed the port # to 84

    After the install I copied the packages from the old server to the new server. The Web UI runs fine, it's just restoring packages via Nuget (or Visual Studio) that fails.

    I repeated the above process on my local workstation (Windows 7) and it works perfectly. All three installation point to the same database. I've copied the packages from the Win 2008 server to my local workstation (Win7) and to the Win 2012 server and I can download packages (Via the web interface) from all three. The Web UI works in all environments (it doesn't appear to be a .Net version or AppPool config issue).

    I just can't restore package via the Nuget command line or Visual Studio. It's as if the Window 2012 install is stripping out the Id/Version variable in the request, ie:


    I've tried using both the integrated web server and IIS. I've also created a new database, added a new feed and imported the packages.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.3.10

  • Thank you for the detailed information. v3.3.10 included a fix for this - if you upgrade to v3.3.11 it should resolve the issue.

  • I just downloaded and installed 3.3.11 and it did not resolve the problem.

  • There has to be something else going on here. Is the response proxied or cached somehow? Unless IIS is stripping out whatever is between the parentheses, ProGet will definitely filter by ID and version and return a single entry now. I just ran a quick test against our own 2012 R2 instance with IIS and verified worked as expected against the URL: http://proget/nuget/Default/Packages(Id='51Degrees.mobi',Version='')

  • I just installed v 3.4.6 Build 6 and it is now working. I used SQL Express installer this time instead of connecting to a stand alone sql server. Not sure if that made any difference.

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