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Backup and rollback

  • Do we have an option to take the backup of current project before deploying the changes in production/Test environment and rollback the changes if something goes wrong?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.8.0

  • Yes; BuildMaster can do anything it is configured to do in its Deployment Plans. There's a few backup strategies you could use:

    • zip contents of target project and move it to a backup folder
    • deploy to a target directory then swap directory names
    • deploy straight from a BuildMaster artifact, then a zip backup would be kept automatically (recommended)

    The 3rd option gives you a pretty easy way to rollback, provided there aren't API-breaking database schema changes (you'll have to restore the DB in that case, since you can't unDROP a column). See the following for more information on rollbacks:


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