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Maven connector receives 403 Forbidden response from repo1.maven.org

  • Hi - we have a Proget server configured with a Maven connector that receives 403 responses when attempting to get a repository listing at https://repo1.maven.org/maven2.

    This 403 response only ever occurs when the request originates from Proget itself; the same URL & listing works when viewed via a browser on the same machine that the Proget service is running on.

    Just wondering if this is something that has been encountered before, and if it's a known issue, how do we work around it?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.5.8

  • The 403 is most likely coming from the proxy server that ProGet is utilizing; you can change this by going to Admin > Proxy.

  • 403 is the response that we receive when testing the proxy configuration in the Admin -> Proxy settings screen.

    Does Proget identify itself in request headers or something?

  • The "Proxy Configuration" page does not (currently) send an agent string; apparently, maven.org will return a 403 errors without an agent string, so you will get an error if you attempt to visit the maven central index (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2) from that page.

    However, the FullMavenConnectorIndex task (which is schedulable / runnable under Admin > Tasks) does send an agent string, and maven.org does not block that request. If you are getting a 403 during that task run, it's going to be coming from your intenral proxy server, not maven.org.

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