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NuGet 3.x support

  • I tried adding a connector to the Default feed for the new NuGet 3.x endpoint "https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" that is also already used in Visual Studio 2015.
    It was actually released the same day as VS2015.
    This doesn't seem to work in ProGet: no packages are listed in the feed.
    When do you expect to have support for NuGet 3.x ?

    The architecture was redesigned, there's even a new nuget protocol version.
    I'm mainly interested because it would have much better performance.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.8.1

  • We're watching v3 closely, but we don't feel it's ready for public/third-party consumption just yet. The API is going through too many changes right now for us to build an endpoint on it, as we can't simply change it once we ship (unlike NuGet.org). The v3.2 release is promising (before then, authenticated feeds simply did not work).

    Please bring the v2 performance issue up with the NuGet team directly; currently, it requests the feed, and then makes one request per package in the returned feed, which is most certainly a bug in the client.

    <b>Update (2016/09/15):</b> per the NuGet team's API blog post, there still is no stable, documented, and publically-available v3 API for use, and it's not on their immediate roadmap. In the short/mid-term, the v3 API is only intended to be used by the official nuget clients, but the v2 API will be fully supported.

  • Could you give any estimate on when you will support it?
    Are you waiting for a new version of NuGet to come out?

  • It's hard to say, perhaps Q1 of next year, when we implement the "NuGet.org Index Downloader".

    Aside from personal preference, is there any reason* you want a v3 endpoint? We are aware of no client or server tools that work exclusively with a v3 api... in fact we know of no third-party tools that even use v3 yet. Moreover, the NuGet team has committed to supporting the v2 API (and likely even v1) for five+ years.

    Note that the poor performance bug in the NuGet Visual Studio 2015 Extension client against v2 feeds has already been fixed by the NuGet team in v3.2.1.

  • ¿Any news about his issue?

  • At this time, the NuGet team has no plans to make the v3 API publicly consumable, and will support the v2 API indefinitely as the public API; as such, we have no intention to reverse engineer and attempt to implement a private API.

    Note this it is entirely a "behind the scenes" transport mechanism (JSON vs XML) and makes no difference at all from a usage perspective.

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