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Mirror NuGet packages and updating the feed API key

  • Hi,

    I'm using NuGet's mirror functionality to mirror a package from one feed to another. It finds the latest version of the package, but it then mirrors it to the wrong feed. I'm wondering if this is possibly because the command requires the feed API key, and we've been using the same value for all our feed API keys.

    I tried changing the key value for the target feed, but the mirror command still wants the old value in order to work. Do I need to do anything for my ProGet server to start using a different API key for a feed? Any other thoughts?


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.8.0

  • I'm closing this issue and opening another as I believe I have other issues.

  • The issue turned out to be more of a Nuget issue, I believe.

    According to Nuget's docs, I should be able to mirror my package by specifying the push package URL in the following format: (proget server)/api/v2/package/.

    However, this just grabs the first feed under /package. Instead I needed to specify the feed name: (proget server)/api/v2/package/myfeed

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