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BuildMaster cannot find the referenced libraries in Nuget Packages.

  • I am trying to build a visual studio solution on BuildMaster, but got an error - BuildMaster cannot find several libraries, mainly mvc libraries, managed by the NuGet package.

    The structure of the solution is as follows:
    project name

    From the log, BuildMaster tried to find the libraries in the Package folder through the following path: ..\Package. Isn't it Package? if so, how do I tell BuildMaster to find the libaries?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.8.5

  • I'm afraid I don't have enough information to help diagnose this problem.

    Please keep in mind, BuildMaster isn't actually looking for anything -- it's essentially just executing a third-party tool like nuget.exe and msbuild.exe with the arguments you specify, so it's important to look at both the arguments to those commands and the working directories those commands are being run in. These will be logged near the top log for the action.

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