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Feed URLs

  • Hi,

    I've just installed ProGet and everything went smoothly. Congratulations for that.

    Our intention is to use it as our internal package repository, for NuGet, npm and bower.
    Our company is called Ingresso, so I created three feeds, one for each type.
    I could't use the name ingresso for all the them, so I ended up with:


    If we create an internal DNS entry called repo.ingresso that would be:


    Which is still ugly.
    The perfect URLs for me would be:


    But I guess that's impossible.
    Is there any hack I could do to have these? Maybe some URL rewrite magic?


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.8.6

  • There is nothing in ProGet you can change at this time that would get around this.

    Maybe you could create another website that for example, redirects requests from http://repo.ingresso/nuget/ingresso-nuget to http://nuget.ingresso/ ? I'm not sure how well that would work though as it relies on the clients themselves following redirects. You also may have some luck with IIS URL Rewiting.

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