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Trouble using Install Nuget package

  • I'm trying to setup a build and using the Install Nuget action from the extension, latest version installed, and I cannot get it to properly get the packages.
    First let me explain that our source is laid out like this:

    So when we get the source out of source control it's in that same layout. This means that all the projects in the sourceFolder all expect the Packages folder to exist at the same level as the AllSolutions and SourceFolder.
    So in the Install Nuget packages dialog I have been trying several different ways to try and get the packages to be installed but it keeps looking for the packages.config file to be with the solution file which it isn't, they are with each project file.
    So I tried pointing to the folder of the project file, no use.
    Just keeps failing to find the packages.config.

    I'm expecting this extension to work just like Nuget does, Install packages by pointing it a solution file but that doesn't seem to be the case here. It seems to be trying to add some other logic that only applies to a certain situation.

    I know our setup is a bit odd but shouldn't me typing in full paths or variables with full paths in them override things?
    Shouldn't it be looking for the packages.config files based on the project files in the solution file like regular Nuget does?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.9.5

  • I realized after my post that the extension in BuildMaster is using the Install method while I'm used to using the Restore method.

    That said though I am pointing it directly at the packages.config file and it still can't see the packages.config file.

    It's taking the value "For Projects In:" and using it for the SolutionDirectory but as I said our packages.config files do not exist there. So this just keeps failing.

    Seems like you should add the Restore function to the extension and/or allow or more flexible options for the Install Nuget function.

    For now I have to not use the extension.

  • Thanks Jon, I've added this as an issue -> https://github.com/Inedo/bmx-nuget/issues/14

    We'll likely get this in v5, since we want to do some additional refactoring as well. And perhaps updagde the client version.

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