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Deploy never ends

  • Hey,

    I have a frustrating problem i'm having hard time understand.

    I have a pretty easy deployment plan, that creates a bat file that calls other bat files that are on the server already:

    this is bat file being created:

    call script1.bat           
    call script2.bat     
    call script3.bat        
    call script4.bat

    The next step is running this bat file.
    All the script are running perfectly fine. but when it finishes the last script (script4.bat) it's just stuck there. not doing anything for infinite time.

    I also added "Exit" command in the script4.bat script and yet it doesn't go back to the mother script and finished the deployment?

    Why? What am i doing wrong?


    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.9.6

  • There is nothing on BuildMaster's end that would be causing this to happen; to run the batch file, BuildMaster would simply just invoke a process (cmd.exe), which would then run the batch file. If that process never terminates, then the deployment would never terminate.

    Anything number of things can cause a process not to terminate, but the most common is halting to prompt for user input... either via command line or a window that pops up. This is not uncommon in automation systems, because the server has a different environment context or configuration than your workstation.

    More generally, you should consider using PowerShell instead of DOS/BATCH.

  • Hey Alana, thanks for the answer.

    Is there a chance it happend because the job hasn't been promoted to the next environment?

    I created another env and ask to promote automatically.

    but what if i don't want to have another env? just get success or error?


  • That shouldn't cause a problem.

    But you can verify it by disabling the group with your batch file calling, and then replace it with the sleep action,

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