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Otter Orchestration Job Trigger - Error 500

  • I have a pretty default install of Otter but with IIS serving the site.

    I have created an orchestration plan that runs a powershell script with pscall, and a template that applies it to localhost. I can trigger the job template manually and it runs (Jobs->Create Orchestration Job), but if I try via the API call it returns "Error creating job: Invalid name.".

    The template is enabled for API calls, I have tried with and without using a key, and I have checked the IIS logs.

    Any idea how I can resolve this or find more info on this error?

  • I think that error means that the plan name is in an invalid format in the job template...

    Can you put together the various screenshots and the method you used to call the API, so we can try to reproduce it, and then submit this as a support ticket?

  • Thanks for the pointer. I noticed if I edit the Job Template it doesn't seem to have the right plan 'selected' in the Plan Name dropdown (it defaults to the first in the list every time). I think I saved it without noticing and it ended up attached to the wrong one.

    Maybe review the edit code that generates this page: https://url/job-templates/edit?jobTemplateId=x

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