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Very slow when creating an artifact

  • I am creating an artifact. During the phase of transferring the file to the artifact libary, it seem to take a very long time (10 minutes to copy from build machine to network drive)

    When i try and copy the artifact to and from the build machine and network drive manually it seems to copy in about 90 seconds.

    The artficat is about 87 MB.

    Is this a know issue with build masters deploy artifact action?

  • Some overhead is expected when creating artifacts over the SOAP-based agent because the artifact is always sent to the BuildMaster server first (so even if the artifact directory is on a network share, essentially the artifact is transferred twice), and additionally the file bytes transferred in the SOAP message will be base-64 encoded which is a 133% overhead (the new TCP-based agent doesn't have this overhead).

    This is an interesting case since if the network share is accessible via the build server, there would be no reason for the intermediate step and that would cut at least half of the artifact creation time. We could consider modifying the Create Artifact Action in the BuildMasterBeta extension that would detect whether the artifact path is a network share and if so, do not send the file back to the BuildMaster server. If you'd be willing to try that out for us I could add that to the action and publish a new BuildMasterBeta extension which would override the behavior of the current action once installed.

  • I could certainly try this if you can tell me how. Also would it be easy for me to unistall and go back to the previous functionality, if required?

    Please let me know what i need to do to test this.

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