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ProGet silent install failing silently?

  • Why is ProGet silent install failing silently?

    As ADMIN I have run:

    ProGetSetup4.2.1.exe /S /LogFile=log.txt

    I get nothing in the console and no log file.
    I have tried cmd prompt, powershell and git bash.
    I have also tried using an absolute path.

    Any ideas?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.2.1

  • If you run it without the /S, do you get any errors displayed?

    Is this a new install, or are you trying to do an upgrade?

  • There are no errors if I run without /S. It just opens the GUI installer, which I don't want to use.

    I want to do a new install, not an upgrade.


  • It looks like, as a minimum, the /Edition argument is required, so if you do:

    ProGetSetup.exe /S /Edition=LicenseKey

    it should install using all the default settings. We will update the documentation to cover this.

  • Ok, so I have now got something working. It seems it was failing because I had the smaller installer (without sql server). That does absolutely nothing when running the silent command. If that's meant to be the case, then maybe that should be documented somewhere.


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