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Proget as source server for Silverlight libraries

  • Hello, I am evaluating Proget and met a problem.

    I have a nuget pack for a Silverlight lib. The pack also contains pdb and source files. After properly setting the symbol/source server, I can see the pdb are successfully downloaded, but failed to 'step in' because the source search failed.

    I've tried normal .NET and everything works fine (i.e. the source can be downloaded and found by Visual Studio.)

    Is it a known issue for Proget? Is there any work around?


  • O.K. I will answer the question myself.

    Check "Allow source server for partial trust assemblies (Managed only)" in the debug options and then everything is fine. Silverlight is by default not fully trusted.

    Karl He

  • Hello,

    Would it be possible to ask a follow up question to this...

    Are you using Visual Studio 2010? I tried to find the setting that you mentioned here, but I can't find it in my Visual Studio 2010 setup, and I am wondering if this is only possible in Visual Studio 2012.



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