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Copy Files operation without explicit value for Includes says "Copy Everything" in the plan editor but does not copy contents of folders

  • I add a Copy Files operation and set the "Source directory" and "Target directory" fields and then click save. In the plan editor, the label for the operation says "Copy everything". However, when I run the plan, it copies all files and creates directories but does not copy any of the contents of directories. This is incongruous with the "Copy everything" label for the operation.

    Interestingly, if I set the "Includes" field of the operation to "*" then it behaves exactly as described above (files copied and directories created but without contents).

    To get the Copy Files operation to truly copy everything I have to set the "Includes" field to "**".

    It seems like either the operation is not behaving correctly or the label is misleading.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.6.2

  • thanks for the report; the label should say "top-level items", not "everything".

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