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Small bug in Otter 1.4.6

  • There is a small bug in Otter 1.4.6.
    Here is the steps to reproduce from fresh installation:

    1. Install Agent on Otter host (SRV 1) and a second server SRV2
    2. Add one role : Baseline
    3. Add SRV1(Otter host) / assign Environment Testing / Role Baseline
    4. Add SRV2 / assign Environment Production / Role Baseline
    5. Create a configuration Plan to Role Baseline (ie Ensure Directory for exemple)

    After Check Configuration and Remediation Job, the reported results are not correct whereas the configuration is correctly applied

    Screen Servers
    -> Show only one server with Current Status (expected 2 )

    Screen Role
    -> Role Baseline shows 2 servers as Current Status as expected

    Screen Environment
    -> Only Testing line is reported as Current

    There the configuration are working correctly


  • Hi

    The problem disappears as soon as a Configuration Job is running on all the server.


  • Thanks Philippe, looks like you identified the bug and workaround.

    It will be addressed as OTTER-119

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