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ProGet Activate Directory Synchronization

  • Hello,

    We are trying to setup our ProGet instance with Active Directory as a Domain Forest Directory because we have two domains that will need access to the packages. I was able to set it with one of the domains but it doesn't seem to be finding any user account in the other domains. I also cannot find anything on the UI that allows me to setup ProGet to look at a specific Organizational Unit, so it is currently scanning the whole domain for users and groups.

    I've tried looking at this page but all it says on the page is what each feature offers, not how it is setup, so that isn't very useful.


    Any assistance would be helpful!


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.5.4

  • There is a "multi-domain / forest" AD provider. As long as the domains have a trust to eachother, then the users from the other domain will be enumerated and it should "just work".

    We are considering building a new active directory provider that allows you to explicitly list the domains to query (instead of doing a trust search), but that ended up getting really complex fast, so it's on hold just for a bit...

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