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Zip downloads are empty

  • We using the format https://[progetserver]/upack/[feed]/download/[package]?contentonly=zip&latest on a Universal feed the zip file is downloaded, but it is empty. I would expect the contents of the package folder in the .upack file to be in the downloaded zip file. Am I mistaken?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.6.7

  • Your understanding is certainly correct; as for why it's working, I don't know... I just did a quick test on our internal 4.6.7 and it seems to work fine.

    If you want to send us the package you're via opening a ticket then we can inspect and investigate further.

  • I have experienced what I suspect is the same problem.

    The package file works if downloaded manually via the website or if downloaded WITHOUT contentonly. If downloaded with contentonly=zip the package is empty. Installing the package via UPack results in an empty package as well.

    For me, this problem occurs when creating the Universal Package zip file using PowerShell's Create-Archive command. If I use 7-zip or UPack the problem does not occur.

    This is a bizarre problem and should be addressed as many sysadmins probably reach for PowerShell first. This kind of problem is near rage inducing :)

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