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Proper script to create Map variable

  • First off, can I create a map variable in the pipeline variables?

    If so what would be the format to create one that has a content something like the Deployment Variables, multiple sets of values.

    I've tried searching online but I couldn't find any examples like this.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.6.8

  • You mean something like this?

    set %ImAnEmptyMap = %();
    set %RectangleProperties = %(Sides:4,Color:blue,Coordinates:%(x:10,y:15),Environments:@(Dev, QA, Prod));


    The formal definition of a map

    one of:
    • a variable_expression for a map (%) type, or a
    • a % character followed by left-parens ((), and any number of key-values pairs delimeted with commas (,), followed by a right-parens ()). A key-value pair consists of any_name, followed by a colon (:), followed by a literal_expression

    Also yes you can create a map variable in the pipeline variables.

  • something more like this, but proper format:

    set %shapes = %({type:square,size:7},{type:rectangle,size:9})

    Also hoping to do this in pipeline variables.
    I do have a workaround by using multiple maps with different names but the same key names but I was just wanting to see if this type of thing could be done.

    To better explain, I need to deploy multiple service instances for customers on our server with each having a unique name and several other settings but all using the same files. So I'm looking to loop through map keys to get the values I need for each one. (don't judge it's old software! ;-D)

  • It sounds like you want to create a list of maps.

    set @MyConfigurations = @(%(type:square,size:7),%(type:rectangle,size:9));

  • Yes, that is what I'm looking for. Sorry I didn't say it that way but I didn't think that was possible based on the docs, I thought having the sub-types like that was only in the maps.
    I tried that out and it works perfectly for me.


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