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Applying label (Subversion) fails with "System.InvalidCastException"

  • Hi,

    I'm new to BuildMaster and I'm having a problem labeling source in Subversion (see the log bellow).

    The "Get Latest from trunk" action works fine.

    I've the BuildMaster Express 3.5.8 (Build 30),
    Subversion 1.7.9 - both installed locally.

    Thanks for an advice,



    Build 7 for Quercus 0.0.0 (07/04/2013 17:47:28)
    Action Group 1: Get Quercus Source
    Action 1: Apply label "%RELNO%.%BLDNO%" to files in trunk
    Preparing remote servers for execution...
    Preparing MYCOMPUTER for execution...
    Preparation complete.
    Initializing action...
    Source and Target directory same; splitting.
    RemoteAction Initialization Complete:
    Temp Directory: C:\BuildMaster_SVCTMP_A2_S3\TMP
    Source Directory: C:\BuildMaster_SVCTMP_A2_S3\SRC
    Target Directory: C:\BuildMaster_SVCTMP_A2_S3\WRK
    Server: MYCOMPUTER (Id: 1)
    Initialization complete. Executing...
    Applying label ''.
    Execution complete. Finalizing...
    System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Inedo.BuildMasterExtensions.Subversion.Subversion15Provider' to type 'Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Providers.SourceControl.IVersioningProvider'. at Inedo.BuildMaster.Windows.ServiceApplication.SlimPlanActionExecuter.ExecuteRemoteCommand(RemoteActionBase action, RemoteCommandEventArgs e) at Inedo.BuildMaster.Windows.ServiceApplication.SlimPlanActionExecuter.TryExecuteRemoteCommand(RemoteActionBase action, RemoteCommandEventArgs e)
    Target directory unused; joining with source.
    Finalization complete.

  • Hi Jan,

    Subversion does not support the "Apply Label" operation, so it complains about this. The UI is supposed to prevent you from using this action, but I think one of the recipes will create this action for you.

    Just replace the Apply Label / Get Labeled action pair with:

    1. Tag /trunk/mypath to /tags/%RELNO%.%BLDNO%
    2. Get Latest from /tags/%RELNO%.%BLDNO%

    Hope that helps,


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