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Error creating feed on S3

  • I get this error message when i set the feed to S3, how do I resolve it?

    Category: DropPathMonitor
    Message: Error installing package: Assembly Amazon was not found. The extension may be out of date, have been deleted, or could not be loaded.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.10

  • inedo-engineer

    Hello Tony,

    It sounds like the ProGet service can't access the Amazon extension for some reason. In %ProgramData%\ProGet\ExtensionsTemp\Service there should be three folders by default: Amazon, Azure, and VorSecurity. Is Amazon missing?

  • Thanks Ben!

    That fixed it. The Amazon folder is there, but i realized that the IIS user did not have admin rights to it. I think i installed proget under a different user than what i ran the service as.

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