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How to avoid deploy artifact operation to delete other files\subfolder in target directory?

  • I am trying to deploy artifact in a target directory which contain other sub folders\Files as well. Problem is while deploying artifact, it is deleting other files\folders present in directory which are not part of Artifact. Like IncludeFile\ExcludeFile properties in Create Artifact operation, can we have same File Masking option for Deploy Artifact so that it deploys the selective folder in Target path and leave the rest of the files\folder (which are not part of artifact) as is?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.6.11

  • There is a DoNotClearTarget option on the Deploy-Artifact operation that, I believe, will accomplish what you are looking for. We don't have masking (which would allow you to deploy only some files out of an artifact), but you certainly could deploy the artifact to the working directory, then copy or transfer files to the target.

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