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When I promote a ci package can the metadata be changed

  • We are doing CI, and our builds are labeled like this 1.0.0-ci-currentDate as is done in this article https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/devops/2016/05/03/versioning-nuget-packages-cd-1/

    What we'd like to be is be able to take a package from our development feed, and promote it to production and take out the -ci- portion of the package name so it's not considered pre-release. Is this possible?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.8.1

  • Changing the name during a promotion can't be done, primarily because that's the key that identifies which packages are promoted.

    Would it be feasible to create another package with the same contents and non-pre-release name in the Dev Feed, then promote that?

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