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ProGet 5.0.x - Semantic versioning

  • Hi,
    We are currently using ProGet 5.0.8 in QuirksMode, so my question is if we migrate our feed what does this mean to us (what do we have to consider, what do we have to do --> so we can plan the effort).
    What consequences do this have:
    "In ProGet 5.0, new NuGet feeds now use a more sophisticated versioning scheme that accommodates semantic versioning 2.0 rules for pre-release version strings."

    Thx in advance

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.0.8

  • Have you seen the Legacy (Quirks) NuGet Feeds documentation?

    If so, can you add a more specific question? I think it provides some guidance on what it does, and what to consider.

  • Hi, Yes I have read the documentation and the only thing I'm not quite sure is, as already posted in my initial question:
    "In ProGet 5.0, new NuGet feeds now use a more sophisticated versioning scheme that accommodates semantic versioning 2.0 rules for pre-release version strings."

    Does this only mean semantic versioning 2.0 rules for pre-release are enforced?
    Or this this also mean semantic versioning 2.0 rules for non pre-release packages are enforced?

    At the moment our company NuGet packages only using the first two digits from the version (like --> therefore we have to reuse the number (I know we shouldn't do that and we are already working on the migration), will this still be possible?


  • Basically this is changing the way the pre-release versioning (like 1.2.0-2.3.4) works. Now, 2.3.4 is sorted, and isn't an arbitrary string.

    The NuGet client is already "normalizing" versions, and if you have a package like "2.3" then it will be sent as "" to the client.

    If you run the migration tool, you'll be able to see if any issues come up, and it will be rolled back.

  • Hi,

    Please refer the below blog. You may have an idea on Semantic Versioning.

    Please don't forget to take a look on the videos listed on their playlist.

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