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Impossible to Push Packages to NuGet Feed

  • I've used several earlier versions of ProGet over the years and have been really pleased with them. Never have I had issues like this. In both v4.8 and 5.0.6 I can't push a package for the life of me. Everything gives me a 403 Forbidden.

    I've given all users permissions to do everything related to feeds/packages

    ManageFeed: Administrators, Admin
    Publish Packages: Administrators, Admin, Anonymous
    View & Download Packages: Administrators, Admin, Anonymou

    Per your documentation I should be able to do the following:
    nuget push my.nupkg -apikey Admin:Admin -Source http://progetserver/nuget/feedname and push. I get a 403.

    I've tried setting up an API Key and providing that instead. 403.

    I've tried associating the API key to a user that has all permissions. 403.

    I've tried not sending an API Key. 403.

    I'm using the docker image version of the software on linux. I've tried v4.8.10 and v5.0.6 I'm using nuget v4.5.1.4879

    I'm thoroughly frustrated that I've wasted half my day trying to do the simple task of pushing a package to a nuget feed. Please assist.

    Thank you.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.8.10

  • They fixed an issue using API keys in the latest version 5.0.9 - https://inedo.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/PG-1211

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