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Proget 5.0 upgrade - paket no longer works

  • Does anyone use paket in conjunction with Proget nuget feeds? Ever since upgrading to v5.0, paket can no longer find a nuget package I reference.

    Could not find versions for package AzureHelper on any of ["<progetserverurl>/nuget/MainFeed"; "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2"].
    	-  Source '<progetserverurl>/nuget/MainFeed' yielded no results
    		-  Request '<progetserverurl>/nuget/MainFeed/FindPackagesById()?semVerLevel=2.0.0&id='AzureHelper'' finished with error
    		-> Could not retrieve data from '<progetserverurl>/nuget/MainFeed/FindPackagesById()?semVerLevel=2.0.0&id='AzureHelper''
    		-> RequestFailedException: Request to '<progetserverurl>/nuget/MainFeed/FindPackagesById()?semVerLevel=2.0.0&id='AzureHelper'' failed with: 401 Unauthorized - 
    		-  Request '<progetserverurl>/nuget/MainFeed/Packages?semVerLevel=2.0.0&$filter=Id eq 'AzureHelper'' finished with error
    		-> Could not retrieve data from '<progetserverurl>/nuget/MainFeed/Packages?semVerLevel=2.0.0&$filter=tolower(Id) eq 'azurehelper''
    		-> RequestFailedException: Request to '<progetserverurl>/nuget/MainFeed/Packages?semVerLevel=2.0.0&$filter=tolower(Id) eq 'azurehelper'' failed with: 401 Unauthorized - 
    	-  Source 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2' yielded (0): []
    		-  Request 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/FindPackagesById()?semVerLevel=2.0.0&id='AzureHelper'' finished with: []
    		-  Request 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/Packages?semVerLevel=2.0.0&$filter=Id eq 'AzureHelper'' was cancelled (another one was faster)

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.0.10

  • inedo-engineer

    The error is "failed with: 401 Unauthorized", so it probably means you need to specify an authentication source?

    We didn't change the way authentication is handled in v5, so it's likely unrelated to the upgrade.

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