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Assets folder upload being denied

  • We have an assets folder with an LDAP group assigned 'NuGet Uploaders' permissions. The users can create directories but get the following exception message immediately when clicking 'Add Assets':

    Inedo.ProGet.WebApplication.SecuredTaskDeniedException: [USERNAME-HERE] is not permitted to perform the Feeds_AddPackage task for the current scope.

    I've also tried granting the users all permissions except administrator as well as assigning the individual them-self as opposed to a group. But neither approach seem to allow the user to upload a file. I, as the proget administrator, can successfully upload a file to the asset directory. I've checked the tasks given the various permissions I've tried. 'Add Packages' is part of the permissions involved.

    Are there any recomendations on how to get the user the ability to upload a file to the asset directory?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.8.2

  • Hi David,

    This was fixed as part of PG-1096 in v4.8.3

  • Haha, I missed it by one minor verison. :-D

    Sounds good. Thanks for the quick response. Means I get to test my scripted upgrade process. :-D

    Have a good one.

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