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Error in Configuration Jobs during migration from 1.7.4 to 2.0.7

  • Hello
    I am migrating from 1.7.4 to 2.0.7 and I meet the following problem:
    In 1.7.4, I have the following configuration

    PSDsc Registry (
    Otter_ConfigurationKey: setTelemetryToSecurity,
    Key: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection,
    ValueName: AllowTelemetry,
    ValueType: Dword,
    ValueData: "`@([string[]](0))" );

    The ValueData has to be changed to

    ValueData:0 );

    as it should work in 1.7.4 but the correction in 2.0.7 break the solution found for 1.7.4 - I posted a request few monthes ago and someone give me the answer.

    So it would be nice to support the two syntax, so I would not to have to correct some of configuration we have done. I guess I am not the only one to use this tricky syntax.

    Never mind if it is not possible, Otter is "a must have" to manage configuration server for windows :)

    Product: Otter
    Version: 2.0.7

  • Hi Philippe,

    Thanks for this feedback - I'm currently in the process of reviewing and updating the way values are passed to and from PowerShell in our Windows extension.

    I know it's been a while since you first posted this, so first of all, have you been able to successfully work around this migration issue?

    If you would like, you are more than welcome to submit a bug/feature request to our GitHub issue tracker as well - it will be much easier for you and for us to monitor status there :)

  • Hi Greg

    Due to my lack of time, I stop the migration and I am still working with 1.7.
    Therefore, I will make some test with the new release and let you know what is going on.

    We are intensively using Otter for deploying and configuring SQL, IIS, File Server, ... and the migration have to be handle carefully.

    Best regards


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