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Problem adding a connector to a feed - Mirrored MyGet

  • Hello,

    I have setup a feed using MyGet, the online Nuget as a service, and I would like to mirror this feed within my ProGet Server. I have added a new feed within ProGet, and I have added a connector, pointing at the MyGet feed. I don't get any errors when I hit save, but when I try to access the feed using:


    I get the following warning:

    "There was an error with one or more of your connectors: An item with the same key has already been added."

    Can you please help me explain what might be going on here?



  • If you can send us the Url to your feed (support at inedo dot com), we could take a look; it's difficult to know if the error is coming from the feed source (MyGet), or in our aggregation.

  • Thanks Gary, we were able to figure out root cause.

    NuGet feeds use the "title" element for a package id, and the "id" element for the package url.

    MyGet feeds also do this, but include a metadata property called "id" for the package. This was a recent change.

    Our feed aggregator takes the "title" attribute and assigns it to package id. Since the MyGet feeds also have a metadata property called "id", we get this error.

    Since the NuGet specification is implicitly defined, no one actually knows how this is supposed to behave.

    We'll add yet another work-around to cover this NuGet quirk in future maintenance release of ProGet... but hopefully MyGet can also address this by removing the "id" metadata property.

  • ProGet 2.1.2 has been released, which addresses this bug.

  • Hey,

    This is great news!

    Thanks for getting this sorted out so quickly!


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