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Issues using Proget as a Maven Mirror

  • I am having issues using Proget as a maven mirror for a string-boot project.

    This is the problem path.

    Create a maven feed and add a connector to http://central.maven.org/maven2/

    Go to add package from the feed and select the central.maven.org feed and enter the group id of


    and a artifact id of


    Click pull artifact and all of the pulls fail for all of the versions.

    Attemping a maven build results in

    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project counterservice: Could not resolve dependencies for project <project>:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failed to colle
    ct dependencies at org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:jar:2.0.4.RELEASE -> org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator:jar:6.0.11.Final: Failed to read artifact desc
    riptor for org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator:jar:6.0.11.Final: Could not find artifact org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptors:shrinkwrap-descriptors-bom:pom:2.0.0-alpha-8 in c
    entral-proxy (https://<my proget server>/maven2/maven-mirror/) -> [Help 1]

    If I delete my settigs file and go directly to http://central.maven.org/maven2/ instead of trying to mirror the build succeeds.

    For whatever reason Proget cannot cache org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptors:shrinkwrap-descriptors-bom:pom:2.0.0-alpha-8 and this is causing issues.

    Since all packages used by my company need to be approved and monitored for CVE findings we have to use proget as a mirror.

    Any clues here would be useful.


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.1.10

  • inedo-engineer

    Hello Jeremy,

    It seems that the Maven feed code in ProGet is incorrectly identifying all prerelease Maven package versions as snapshot versions.

    I've filed this as PG-1380.

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