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Send Email in Otter

  • I am having problems sending emails from otter. I have configured the Smtp.FromAddress, Smtp.FromName, Smtp.Host in advanced settings. I can't make this process work at all. I can send emails using powershell without issue, so it's not a firewall or email server issue; those all work fine. If I put code to send an email in a PSEnsure code block, that works fine as well, but that is definitely less than ideal. I can't get any logs or output to help my investigation, so I really don't have anything to go off of. Thanks!

    Product: Otter
    Version: 2.0.10

  • Hi Jonathan,

    Just letting you know that we have fixed this issue (see issue in GitHub here), and it will be included in the 1.0.8 release of the InedoCore extension.


  • Dean, that's great news! Thanks!

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