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Configuring DSC turns into nightmare due to failed conversion STRING to SINT64

  • Hello

    I try to add the following DSC config to a server thru a configuration

    `# FSRM - Workfolder - Quotas


       PSDsc FSRMDsc::FSRMQuota
            OtterConfiguration_key : FSRMQuota-WorkFolders,
            Path                : ${WorkFolder-DossierBase},
            Description         : 'Quota 10GB Soft (monitoring)',
            Ensure              : 'Present',
            Size                : 1OGB,
            SoftLimit           : True


    Despite whatever I have been trying, I was not able to convert the value for Size - @(string[]) ,@('10GB'), ....
    I have an error about converting STRING to SINT64

    Does anyone can help me about the syntax ?

    Best Regards

    Product: Otter
    Version: 2.0.13

  • PowerShell converts 10GB into 10737418240 - OtterScript doesn't do this automatically, you'd have to do $PsEval(10GB) if you wanted the equivalent, but it's best to just put the number in directly I would think.

  • Thank you Tod,

    Unfortunately, it is not working I still have the problem

  • inedo-engineer

    Hello Philippe,

    If the example code is identical to what you're running, the 10GB is misspelled as 1OGB (with the letter O instead of a zero).

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