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New nuget packages dont appear in cache

  • Hi,
    we push new nuget packages via nuget.exe to proget.
    when I go to the nuget feed on the server the package is there as it should be.
    When I want to build (via bamboo) or upgrade packages via visual studio the nuget cache of the proget server is requested, but the newest version of the nuget package is not found.
    When I clear the nuget cache via command line on the nuget server "nuget locals all -clear" the build is working and the newest nuget packages are downloaded.

    If a new nuget package is pushed afterwards it doesnt appear in the cache again.
    How to overcome this problem

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.7.0

  • Are you pushing the same version number? If so, this is (unfortunately) a by-design feature of NuGet.

    The solution is to use pre-release versioning, or instruct the NuGet task of the build server to always request with the -NoCache flag.

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