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Error pulling docker container

  • Hi! We have ProGet 5.1.8 with a private Docker registry. Recently, all our clients with Docker Desktop started seeing this message:

    Error response from daemon: Get https://<ProGetServer>:443/v2/: dial tcp: lookup <ProGetServer> on server misbehaving.

    I have installed the latest Docker Desktop with the version of engine 18.09.0, and now I'm getting the following error when trying to pull a package:
    Error response from daemon: Get <ProGetServer>:443/v2: tls: server selected unsupported protocol version 301.
    Could you please help how we can resolve these issues?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.1.8

  • inedo-engineer

    Please refer to KB#1161 for how to update to TLS 1.2

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