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Collect phase failed with SQL Error Exception

  • Hello

    I upgraded to Otter 2.1.2, and I have now many of the servers in error during the Collect phase.

    Unhandled exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): 
    La transaction (ID de processus 77) a été bloquée sur les ressources verrou par un autre processus et a été choisie comme victime. 
    Réexécutez la transaction.

    If I force the Check Configuration it is working fine.


    Product: Otter
    Version: 2.1.2

  • Can you try to defragment your SQL Indexes to see if that helps?

  • It solves partially the problem which occurs now for fewer servers (less than 10).

    I have only 40 servers.

    I forgot to mention that I upgraded from the previous version using the Hub installer.

  • The problem appears again on many of my servers :(

    Previous Otter version was more stable.

    I defragmented again, restart Otter Service.
    I have a lot of server in error due to various error (various variable are not resolved).
    I start again remediation, and now everything is green.

  • inedo-engineer

    Did the changes from OT-284 help at all? That should have drastically sped up the servers overview page at least. It was in Otter 2.1.3.

  • Hello
    The pb still occurs from time to time.
    It seems to happen because I have a high fragmengation of few table.
    Even if I defragment regulrly the fragmentation occcurs very fqst.
    I will update the post withxthe concern table.

  • inedo-engineer

    Good news, thanks to some data from customers enabling our CEIP, we've identified some problems and will fix them ASAP. Please wait for a new version on Friday of this week :)

  • I will wait :)
    Thank you for your fast reaction

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