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WinRM issues

  • So I am thinking I may have spn issues, and am not able to attempt some of the fixes, so I am stuck with adding a separate setspn to deal with just deal with this. Agent installs are not an option. My question is can Otter utilize session options in WinRM? Example I sound on technet:

    As I have seen in this link:


    You can create a port specific spn:

    SetSPN.exe -s HTTP/$($env:COMPUTERNAME):5985 $env:COMPUTERNAME 

    and then create a session using an option:

    # Create and use session
    $sessionOptions = New-PSSessionOption -IncludePortInSPN
    Enter-PSSession -Computername <computername> -SessionOption $sessionOptions

    Product: Otter
    Version: 2.2.0-beta.4

  • Setting "Session Options" currently isn't supported with the Powershell-based agent. But we will definitely consider it if you could put together a feature request.

    I have no idea if it's easy/possible, but any insight into what other session options might be helpful could be nice.

  • Has there been any update to this?

  • inedo-engineer

    There haven't been any other feature requests for this, and we haven't researched the feasibility of doing it; however we did add Impersonation and Process Isolation, both which were in-demand features.

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