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Cannot upload a package which contains a SemVer2 version number

  • In our local ProGet feeds, I cannot upload a package which contains a semantic versioning 2.0 version number.

    In ProGet UI, I am using the menu "Add Package -> Pull From Another Repository"

    Error message:
    "The package could not be installed.
    The version number provided is invalid, but would be valid if this NuGet feed were migrated to SemVer2. See https://inedo.com/support/documentation/proget/feeds/nuget/nuget-quirks for details on how to migrate."

    The shown ProGet url does not seem to be valid.

    Some information what I used:
    Source feed: https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/
    Package name: NuGet.Build.Tasks.Pack
    Version string: 5.0.0+42a8779499c1d1ed2488c2e6b9e2ee6ff6107766

    According to the error message the nuget feed itself didn't support SemVers2.
    But if this feed really didn't support SemVer 2.0, how could this package, which contains a SemVer2 version number, been uploaded?

    Does ProGet basically supports SemVer2?
    I find different answers to this question.

    In order to use package filters we would like to upgrade to a paid version of ProGet, but if ProGet doens't support SemVer2, we will need to look for an alternative.

    Thanks very much for your help.

    kind regards,
    Reto Kummli
    Dolphin Systems AG

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.1.22

  • Hi,

    ProGet does support SemVer 2.0. Is your target feed (non-Quirks) Nuget? I was able to pull this package into a SemVer 2.0 feed in using the method described above without issue on version 5.1.21.

  • Thanks very much, Scott.
    You helped me by mentioning that the feeds themselves also need to support SemVer 2.0. I wasn't aware of that fact.
    So I just migrated our feeds an now everything works fine.

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